Caroline Traywick nackt sorted by


Caroline A Traywick from Marshville, NC, age ~29

Assigning inherent traits to an entire group of dogs is not only a falsehood of the most uneducated sort, it's an irresponsible assumption that leads people to irrational and sometimes violent conclusions regarding animals that have no genetic predisposition to the same.

Caroline Traywick: 'Breedism' labels good pets unfairly

As an overall community, people need to get back to the understanding that dogs are just that, dogs.

Caroline Traywick: 'Breedism' labels good pets unfairly

Large and square of body, with brindling all over, Boulder cuts an impressive, if not intimidating, image to people he's yet to meet, but they always seem to make fast friends, as Boulder's charming personality is too much to be denied, even by the blatantly "breedist.

Caroline A Traywick from Marshville, NC, age ~29

Stories like Boulder's are popular and, thankfully, are steadily growing in numbers in response to organizations around the Chattahoochee Valley area that are doing their part to educate the community about not just responsible ownership, but the characteristics of it's fastest growing type of dog, the "Pit Bull.

Caroline Traywick: 'Breedism' labels good pets unfairly

This very faux pas is what has landed one writer from the area in hot water this week, as an article of his came under fire for harsh words regarding a dog that was systematically classified as a "pit mix" by a department that admits they list every incoming animal by its most obvious physical attributes, but considers them all "mixes" and nothing more.

Caroline Traywick: 'Breedism' labels good pets unfairly

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Caroline A Traywick from Marshville, NC, age ~29

The loss of Marina Sophia is clearly a tragedy; there is no pain like losing a loved one unexpectedly.

Caroline Traywick: 'Breedism' labels good pets unfairly

There is no properly raised, trained, and confined dog of any breed that can do anyone any harm.

Caroline A Traywick from Marshville, NC, age ~29

He is also a regular fixture at the local dog parks and often joins friends for social outings at the various local restaurants that allow dogs.

Caroline Traywick: 'Breedism' labels good pets unfairly

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